Chuck's Solstice

Hello Woozens,

Chuck is always full of surprises at his market, and ever since he moved from Zoomworld to Woozworld, he's been dreaming of bringing the magic of the Winter Solstice to all Woozens.

Could this be the start of something amazing?

Visit Chuck's Market today and trade your Chuck Tokens for a chance to join Chuck's Solstice Quest!

As you progress, Chuck delivers special recipes to help you get what you need on your quest! Each time you finish part of the quest, you'll win awesome gifts inspired by Zoomworld!

But wait, there's more! If you finish all the quests before January 1st, you'll unlock a super cool new look that turns your Woozen into a Zoomen!

Imagine how awesome you'll look with this exclusive style.

Don't miss out on this magical adventure! Visit Chuck's Market and start your Winter Solstice quest today!

Woozworld Staff