Fashion Show : Group Selfie Winners
Hello Fashion Woozens!
We are thrilled with the number of entries received in the recent contests for Prom Month.
It's evident that you're taking it seriously, and the creativity and quality of the submissions are exceptional.
Keep up the great work!
For this contest, only one group will receive the Prom Nominee title.
Here are the runners-up who will win 20,000 Wooz and 250 000 beex which will be separated by each member of each group.
NyxxieSticks, hatara, XoJellyoX and Kiyuki
imitated, Utopria and Volturi
Cindriella, Challenger, Chun-Li and x3-Fashion-x3
Bumpkin, Sasayuri, rots and chaos
Ashenic, Aimen, omighty. Ph0s and haak0
333holy and ApocoIypse
sylvest, cIoudystars, -unconscious and CDXX
penelapi, moonlander, RiriK
flrtkiss, gutdown, MoshilingZOOuno and -riinny
The group that has won the wooz, the beex, and the title of Royal Nominee is...
---Sunday, BluePrimrose, dina-forever, SlNZ and StormThunder
Congratulations to all!