Return of Woozen Quests

Questful Woozens,

We are happy to announce the return of Woozen Quests.

Some of you are familiar with the concept, while others are not, so we are introducing a refreshed concept.

It's simple: each month will have a different theme. You'll be challenged to create a Quest following the theme. A Quest could be Wired, a maze, a quiz - something that Woozens need to go. You'll have 2 weeks to design, create and submit. After the 2 week submission period, we will choose 5 winners to be featured. You can work with others to create your Quest but only the submission owner will take credit.

The winners will have their Unitz become an official Woozworld Unitz, and a statue of them will be placed inside.

You'll receive a special title, Wooz, Beex, and epic/legendaries from the monthly Grab.

Some general rules to follow with Woozen Quests submissions:

- Instructions for Quest must be submitted with the Unitz

- The Unitz and everything within must respect the code of conduct.

- If Wired, the configuration must be fair with no hidden cheats (risk of sanction)

- Winners cannot win 2 times in a row

For September, the theme is BACK TO SCHOOL.

Will you be the first to make it out of the classroom? Will you catch your bus on time? Answer a pop quiz? Who knows!

Sumbit HERE!

Submissions for Woozen Quests will be found in the Contests section of the Navigator.

Also well if you are looking for some Wired assistance, you can watch Daviid's videos on YouTube

Can't wait to play your Quests,

Woozworld Staff