Special Weather Bulletin
The following is a Special Weather Bulletin from Woozworld's #1 meteorologist, Frank.
A sizeable snowstorm is headed for Woozworld. A cold front moving in from the north will drop temperatures to -50F and winds are anticipated to reach 90 MPH. With an expected snowfall of two feet, this may be the biggest winter storm in Woozworld history.
This storm is moving in at an unprecedented speed. In fact, this storm is moving faster than any we've ever seen before, which is quite odd. We implore you, Woozens, to please return to your Unitz as soon as safely possible.
Be prepared. Get your hats, gloves, scarves and ski pants ready. Order your pizza and/or Chinese food. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE.
This is an unprecedented storm and it must be taken seriously.
End of Special Weather Bulletin.