Take Back Control Of Your Wallz

Hey Woozens!

We know that sometimes things can escalate a little quickly on your Wallz. Like you, we wanna keep the dramaaaaa to a minimum. Well, have we got some good news for you!

We are happy to announce that we've made some adjustments and added 2 new features to help you control the

Control if other users can post on your Wallz

Are you tired of your friends spamming on your Wallz? Maybe you prefer they don't post while you're away on the weekend? You can now decide to turn OFF posting on your Wallz! Simply check out the My Wallz tab and click the Click to turn OFF button:

When you're ready to allow your fellow Woozens to post again, simply turn it back on by clicking it again!

You can also turn this on / off from the Settings page. Did you know there's also a setting to make it so that only your friends can see what's posted on your Wallz? By default anyone can see your Wallz, but you can turn this off! Remember that only your friends will ever be able to post on your Wallz.

Disabling comments on your posts

You also now have the ability to turn off comments on individual posts on your Wallz. You can block them right away when posting by checking this box if you know your post is going to cause so much drama:

Or you can decide to turn them on / off at any point after publishing by using the drop-down menu at the right:

If you disable comments on an existing post, all currents comments will automatically be hidden, but they'll show up again if you turn comments back on.

Thanks, Woozens!