The Secret of Mya and Anthony: Results

Hey woozens,

I have read all your theories about what Mya and Anthony are hiding with great interest. Here, I will list the ones I agree with the most.

Their authors, the top 5 will receive an incredible title and 5,000 Wooz!

I'll give the special title to the top 10 runner-up because I know how much effort you put into the drama hypothesis!

Let's start with the top 10.


My hypothesis is all about Tony being embarrassed about his looks! Yes he's the cutest guy in Cortoza, but is he happy? He requests help from Mya- the queen of fashion and advice, he's desperate for her to help him a soulmate. He dresses the best he can and tries to make the best conversation, but it never seems to spark.

Mya meets up with Tony to help him, and when they meet up the second time discussing that what they have is a secret- Tony feels insecure, he feels as the cutest guy in Cortoza it would be laughable that he has to seek advice to find a partner. He doesnt want anyone to make fun of him, but he really wants help, and Mya was straight up for the task.

When they met up the second time she brought a love potion for Tony, so that if worse comes to worse he can use it, they both didnt want anyone to know about this- not like anybody could mistake Mya's REAL red hair ;)

Chet, its all a misunderstanding!


Mya and Anthony share a deep, secret bond that goes beyond friendship, one they are determined to keep hidden from others.


In the heart of Cortoza, where rumors spread quickly and every look seems to linger a moment too long, Anthony and Mya found comfort in each other's company. Their relationship grew quietly, away from curious eyes and gossiping mouths.

One evening, amidst the soft glow of streetlights and the distant hum of the city, Mya's voice took on a serious tone as she whispered to Anthony, "Remember, what we have here must stay a secret, just between the two of us." Her words hung in the air, filled with unspoken promises and shared vulnerabilities.

For Anthony, it was an agreement sealed with a nod of understanding. He had canceled plans with others, choosing instead to meet Mya in hidden spots where they could steal moments of intimacy away from the world's gaze. His affection for her was clear in the way he looked at her—gentle yet passionate, like a secret flame burning bright.

Their decision to keep their relationship hidden was not out of shame but out of a desire to protect what they had found in each other. Mya, with her infectious smile and fiery spirit hidden beneath a confident exterior, cherished the moments they stole away from the world. Anthony, with his kindness that went beyond mere politeness, understood the weight of her words and the importance of their secrecy.

In Cortoza, where every shadow seemed to whisper secrets and every alleyway held untold stories, Anthony and Mya navigated their secret affair with caution and care. They knew that in a town where everyone knew everyone else's business, their love was a fragile bloom that needed nurturing away from curious eyes.


Mya is secretly planning a surprise party with Anthony for Chet. Obviously, Chet cant know, and Anthony is his closest friend so of course he is helping plan a party. The reason Anthony cancelled plans with Chet is because of the time limit to plan such a big party. Plus, the reason Mya said that it has to stay between them is because they don't want word to get out about the partythey are planning to have until they send invites. They are planning the biggest summer party of the year for Chet. They are having the best guest list, drinks, food, decor, and venue ever. They also are inviting the whole Woozband to be there. They are hoping to surprise Chet with a big gift as well. That's another reason Mya asked Chet for his help with planning and the surprise.


In the vibrant virtual world of Woozworld, the relationship dynamics between avatars often spark curiosity and speculation. Recently, Anthony and Mya's changing interaction patterns have caught the attention of many Woozens. Historically inseparable, Anthony and Mya were known for their close-knit camaraderie, always seen exploring new quests, attending parties, or collaborating on creative projects together. Their bond was the epitome of digital friendship, and their presence as a duo was a staple in Woozworld.

However, Chet, a fellow Woozen, has observed a subtle but significant shift in their interactions. While Anthony and Mya are still spending a lot of time together, Chet notes that it feels different. According to him, there's an underlying strangeness in their frequent companionship, a stark contrast to their previous seamless togetherness. This has led to whispers and speculations about Mya's intentions, with some questioning whether Mya might be manipulating Anthony.

One particular situation highlights these growing concerns. During a recent WoozWorld event, a competitive fashion show, Mya's influence over Anthony became more apparent. Anthony, known for his independent and eclectic style, suddenly began adopting fashion choices strikingly similar to Mya's. Friends noticed that Anthony's usually vibrant and varied wardrobe had shifted to echo Mya's distinctive flair—monochromatic themes with a touch of vintage. This change raised eyebrows, especially when Anthony started expressing opinions that mirrored Mya's, often to his detriment in the competition.

During the show's preparation phase, Chet overheard a conversation between Mya and Anthony that added fuel to the fire. Mya subtly suggested that Anthony should change his approach to align more closely with hers, implying that their combined styles would make them an unstoppable duo. Anthony, eager to please and perhaps overly trusting, agreed without much hesitation.


I think that Anthony could be spending more time with Mya because he wants to up his status around woozworld. He seems to me to be very greedy and wants everyone to think that he is dating a celebrity fashonista. He wants the publicity in my opinion even if it makes him look bad. He simply wants the world of wooz to know his name. He will do anything to get what he wants. I think that mya is innocent and that the scandal here is all anthony. Everyone who plays wzw knows mya's name but do they know anthony's? I think that Anthony has become so greedy that he wants to taake over woozworld. I also think that he and edwin have some fude going on because he hired me to find out if edwin and daphnie were seceretly lovers and Mya was furious so it wasnt her mastermind it was anthonys i dont trust him and neither should you. But then again who knows. I think our fashion icon Mya has to be innocent! Do u??


You see, I used to LOVE Mya. An example is how in old Woozworld she inspired ME 10 years ago to rock bright red hair. As you may have noticed that's changed. Mya used to be super cool but she has been quiet recently, her presence isn't the same. Is this the real Mya? Did she really time travel or is this all a hoax? A lot of things us Woozens have been wondering as well. Anthony needs to stay away for now, maybe he realized it's Zeena in disguise.


Mya and Anthony are secret agents working undercover to investigate a hidden criminal network operating within Woozworld.

Think about it!!! Mya's SUDDEN

interest in Anthony, her insistence on secrecy, and the strange behavior Chet witnessed at Club Lazer all point to something bigger. Mya could be using her charm and influence to gather information, while Anthony is playing the role of an innocent bystander to avoid suspicion. Their meetings are covert operations, and the secrecy is crucial to maintaining their cover and ensuring the success of their mission.

If this hypothesis is true, then Mya and Anthony are not just involved in a simple high school drama…..they're involved in a high-stakes game of espionage that could have serious implications for everyone in Woozworld.


Sources have gathered that Mya and Anthony have not just one rumored agenda... but TWO. Our dear fashion icon was apparently caught planning a secret wedding rather anxiously. The whispers around Cortoza have revealed that Anthony has been dying to get on his knees and propose to Chet, and has invited a small gathering for the unique wedding! Everyone in Cortoza and the debutants have a hand in this scheme! It is said that even Daphnee has given her blessing to the happy couple, despite her conflicts with Chet. But the good news only goes so far in Cortoza. Mya's arrival in Cortoza may have stirred some unrest among the residents. The nocturnal citizens disapprove of the union between the two nations! Cortoza had long feared the arrival of "The Dawn," who was thought to be a group of individuals who brought daylight into Cortoza's endless night skies. Worrying that the bright life of Hollywooz may threaten their existence, forcing them into the light. This suspicion has caused Zoomens, especially Paytur, since he may or may not have overhead Mya's excitement over the secret wedding as she yelled, "CORTOZA IS GOING TO BE SO MUCH MORE FLASHY THAN EVER!" and has led him to flee back to ZoomWorld. Conveying a message that MyaWooz is orchestrating a new Cortoza that may not be the home they once remembered. And... It may not be long until KweenVonKlokz learns about Mya's return and may want to settle some scores with our elite designer. The two have a long history when Kween's son, ZackWooz, once deeply loved Mya's best friend, JennyWooz. But the love story came to a tragic end. Perhaps Mya cannot face these memories, and assisting with the suspected wedding is the only way to gain Anthony's help. This may allow Mya to hide from KweenVonKlokz or.. to be more prepared for their nostalgic encounter.


Hold on to your stylish hats because the latest scoop is sizzling hot! Our favorite gentleman from Cortoza, Anthony, has been spotted spending an increasing amount of time with the renowned fashion designer Mya. While this might seem like an innocent friendship, Chet, our beloved Hollywooz insider, thinks something fishy is going on.

Rumor has it that Mya has been working on a top-secret fashion line, one that promises to be revolutionary. But here's the twist: she needs a muse. Not just any muse, but someone who embodies the raw, unpolished charm that Anthony exudes. Could Anthony be the key to her next big fashion breakthrough? It seems plausible, and quite scandalous!

Imagine this: Mya, desperate to keep her new collection under wraps until the grand reveal, could be enlisting Anthony's help. Maybe she needs his rugged Cortoza flair to perfect her designs. Or perhaps she's even using his image to model some exclusive, never-before-seen pieces. The secrecy of it all would explain why Anthony is suddenly so elusive and why he keeps canceling on Chet.

And here's where it gets even juicier. At Prom, Mya teased a possibly new place in Cortoza called SKULL, could it be an exclusive, edgy venue that promises to shake up the Woozworld scene. Anthony, being a Cortoza native, might be deeply involved in this project. Could Mya be collaborating with him to design the interior, or perhaps to create a unique fashion line inspired by SKULL?

This partnership could be driven by more than just fashion. Is Mya using Anthony's connections in Cortoza to gain an edge for her latest venture? Or are they crafting a scandalous collaboration that will shock all of Woozworld? This Anthony -Mya duo is brewing something big, and it's only a matter of time before the truth and the fashion hits the runway!


Anthony had been working tirelessly in the depths of the ancient mine, chipping away at the rocky walls, when he stumbled upon a hidden cave entrance. He entered cautiously, holding a candle, its flame flickering and casting eerie shadows on the stone. He had lost his lamp earlier, and now the candle was his only source of light. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and something almost magical. As he stepped further in, his eyes widened at the sight before him: Mya, dressed in a bewitching ensemble, standing beside a bubbling cauldron surrounded by glistening purple crystals.

The eerie green glow from the cauldron illuminated Mya's face, revealing an expression of intense concentration. She was chanting softly, words that Anthony couldn't quite understand but felt deeply unsettling. In her hand, she held a small vial of shimmering liquid, which she carefully poured into the cauldron. The liquid sizzled and sparked, and the cauldron's contents began to swirl violently.

Anthony's heart pounded. He had always felt a strange pull towards Mya, but this was beyond his comprehension. Was she really casting a spell? The swirling green mist from the cauldron seemed to respond to her command, coiling around her fingers like serpents.

Suddenly, Mya's eyes snapped open, and she looked directly at Anthony. A sly smile crept across her lips. "Ah, Anthony," she purred, her voice dripping with honeyed menace. "I didn't expect you to find me here."

Anthony tried to back away, but his feet felt rooted to the spot. "Mya, what are you doing?" he managed to stammer.

"Just a little spell," she replied nonchalantly, "to ensure you keep spending time with me. You see, I can't have you slipping away, now can I?" Her eyes glinted with a mischievous light, and Anthony felt a cold shiver run down his spine.

As she spoke, the mist began to drift towards him... Mya.. would never let him go!

Thank you for your speculations, very entertaining and who knows, maybe very close to reality!

Let's continue with those who stood out the most in terms of why my dear Tony would spend so much time with Mya...


In the vibrant world of WoozWorld, Anthony, the charming and kind-hearted guy, found himself caught between two important people in his life. His old buddy Chet, whom he harbored deep romantic feelings for, and Mya, the radiant redhead who everyone admired and trusted.

Chet had always been there for Anthony, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. Yet, both were too shy to express their deeper feelings, fearing it might ruin their friendship. Mya, perceptive and caring, noticed the unspoken connection between the two.

One evening at Club Lazer, Mya and Anthony sat in a corner, deep in conversation. Anthony was anxious, torn between his feelings and his fear of rejection. Mya, always the supportive friend, listened patiently. "Anthony," she said softly, "if you have feelings for Chet, you need to tell him. He deserves to know, and so do you."

Anthony hesitated, but Mya's encouragement gave him strength. "Okay, but how do I do it?" he asked.

Mya smiled, "Leave it to me. We'll plan something special. But remember, this has to stay between us until you're ready."

A few days later, Chet invited Anthony for coffee at HollyWooz, but Anthony had to decline. "I have to meet up with Mya," he said, leaving Chet feeling hurt and confused. Concerned, Chet decided to follow them, unable to shake off the growing worry.

At their secret meeting spot, Mya and Anthony were finalizing their plan. Mya was helping Anthony prepare a heartfelt letter and a surprise candle-lit dinner. Anthony's nerves were threatening to explode when Mya reassured him, "You'll do great, just be yourself."

Chet, hiding nearby, overheard bits of their conversation. "Remember, what we have here must stay a secret," Mya said, referring to their plan.

So you see, this is all a misunderstanding that could, with a little patience, lead to a happy end for all.


Anthony and Mya have recently been spending a lot more time together, which has caught the attention of their friends, including Chet. According to Chet, this behavior is unusual because Anthony and Mya used to be inseparable. The question arises: is Mya manipulating Anthony? Or could there be another reason behind Anthony's sudden change in plans?

It's essential to consider multiple perspectives before jumping to conclusions. Perhaps Anthony and Mya have discovered a shared interest or project that they're passionate about. This new bond could be a healthy development, reflecting personal growth and shared goals.

Anthony might also value Mya's advice on important matters, leading him to prioritize spending time with her. It's possible that Mya is helping Anthony navigate a challenging situation or providing support in a way that others don't see.

Friendships are complex, and it's crucial to maintain open lines of communication. Instead of assuming the worst, friends should ask Anthony about his new routine and express their concerns respectfully. This approach can prevent misunderstandings and strengthen friendships.

Ultimately, the key is to trust in Anthony's judgment and respect his choices. Let's give him and Mya the benefit of the doubt and support them in their endeavors, whatever they may be.


Wow, what a twist in our little world! After thinking it through, here's my take on what might be happening between Mya and Anthony.

Imagine this: Mya, as we all know, is a talented fashion designer with a heart of gold. What if she noticed Anthony's incredible sense of style and kindness, and saw in him the perfect muse for her next big project? Picture Mya designing a secret, exclusive fashion line inspired by Anthony, someone who embodies the spirit of her new collection.

Now, here's where it gets interesting. Mya, ever so humble and kind, wants this collection to be a complete surprise to everyone, including her closest friends. She believes that Anthony's influence will shine through the designs and create a buzz unlike anything Cortoza has seen before. That's why she needs Anthony's help in utmost secrecy—they're working together to ensure the reveal is nothing short of spectacular.

So, my guess is that Mya and Anthony's secret meetings are all about brainstorming, fitting sessions, and planning for the grand unveiling of this special fashion line. It's not blackmail, but rather a creative and exciting venture that requires absolute discretion to maintain the element of surprise.

Can't wait to see how this mystery unfolds, and I'm sure it's going to be legendary when Mya finally reveals her masterpiece!


Now I'm not one to gossip... But this is how I heard the tale. MyaWooz has recruited Anthony of Cortoza Harbor to spy alongside her! Now, I am sure you are wondering what THE MyaWooz could possibly need to spy on, but quiet as it is, there are a few people in this game that put fear in our little fashionista's heart. Zana, Zeena's younger sister, has been hiding out on the outskirts of Cortoza, plotting MyaWooz's demise. Zana got careless and went shopping at Gothik Boutique on the same day that MyaWooz wanted to do some shopping. Sources say MyaWooz eagerly ran out the store and straight to the Harbor where she urgently requested the help of the well respected Anthony. MyaWooz questioned Anthony about his ships and whether or not Zana got to Cortoza on one of them. During the questioning Anthony realized one of the ships he built was indeed missing. Mya and Anthony were seen the next day at Club Lazer when Mya got details from a trusted source, Mel Odious, that Zana was planning on making her debut to the public there. You did not hear this from me, but MyaWooz went all out on her outfit with the intent to draw attention away from Zana, sensing that another prospective fashionista might be cruising around. While Zana never made an appearance that night, due to MyaWooz stealing the show with her amazing outfit, many people in attendance assumed Mya was dressing to impress for Anthony. MyaWooz is hoping that with the help of Anthony, they can gather some more information from citizens of Cortoza with the hopes to stop any potential drama with Zana from occurring and harming the woozens!


Hey Woozens,

It's your resident insider, ready to spill the tea on our favorite Woozworld personalities. Buckle up, because this one's hotter than a runway in Paris.

Our charming prince Anthony, the golden boy of Cortoza, seems to be caught in a web spun by none other than the glamorous Mya. Yes, you heard that right. The girl with the dazzling smile and fiery red locks is at the center of this mystery, and it's juicier than a season finale cliffhanger.

Picture this: Anthony, the epitome of cool and collected, suddenly cancels his plans with Chet, the one who's been his ride-or-die through thick and thin. All because of a last-minute rendezvous with Mya. What could possibly make our level-headed Anthony ditch his bestie? That's the million-Wooz question.

Now, this is where things get scandalous.

Here's my jaw-dropping hypothesis: Mya is at the heart of a high-stakes fashion espionage plot. That's right, she's not just a pretty face; she's THE "mastermind" ,involved in stealing top-secret designs from the biggest fashion houses and selling them to the highest bidder. And guess who's been roped into her clandestine activities? Our unsuspecting Anthony.

Picture Mya, under the guise of her fabulous fashion line, has been infiltrating the inner circles of elite designers, swiping their most coveted sketches and prototypes. She then passes these secrets to a shadowy network of underground fashion moguls, who replicate the designs and flood the market before the originals even hit the runway. It's a multi-million Wooz operation, and Anthony is smack dab in the middle of it.

How did Anthony get involved, you ask? Here's the twist: Mya discovered Anthony's hidden talent for sketching incredible fashion designs. She lured him in with promises of collaboration and fame, only to use his skills to create perfect replicas of stolen designs. Poor Anthony thinks he's making a name for himself, but in reality, he's aiding and abetting Mya's fashion heist empire.

Thank you again for all your marvelous hypothesis!

What will the truth be? I still don't know, but rest assured, I will find out no matter what it takes.

I'm angry.
