Unitz Design: Street Stylez Winners

Hey Woozens,

As you know, we asked you to take your picnic parties to the streets! Using anything from the Picnic Furniture category of Shopz, we turned to you to create a street stylez picnic party! (You could use other stuff too, of course!) We got a ton of cool Unitz that are deffff going to be that talk of the town! We've narrowed it down to our Top 3 and 10 Runner-Ups!

Check out our faves below.

CONGRATS to our Top 3 Unitz

hpboyz's Unitz

-belligerent-'s Unitz

NickySongLauren's Unitz

And a huuuuge congrats to our 10 Runner-Ups!

Dreamix's Unitz

AmandaStones's Unitz

ivanxv's Unitz

peggy288ny's Unitz

BluePrimrose's Unitz

Earlene's Unitz

xavier228's Unitz

-----Ariianaa--'s Unitz

simple10ngel's Unitz

-Frameless's Unitz

Be sure to check these egg-cellent Unitz out by clicking on them above :) Enjoy your Wooz prize, winners!