WoozNews : March 20 - March 26
Hello Woozens!
Here's what to expect in the coming week!
Monday : It's officially spring, goodbye winter and hello beautiful weather! Also, don't forget to vote for your fav Rising Star outfit!
Tuesday : Sowilo will be there to participate in your favourite games! Get your Unitz ready for 3:30pm! Don't forget the new Weekly Quiz!
Wednesday : Time to vote for your favourite Inner-Mon-Star!
Thursday: Tresure Thursday is here, try your luck to sharpen your general knowledge
Friday : New selfie contest, create the perfect outfit with the collection in FUTR
Saturday: Following the glitch of Friday, the top of the week has been affected. So let's do it again this Saturday for the first poll to know what you like and create more items to your liking!
Sunday: Last day to vote for your favourite St. Patrick's Day outfit!
Lots of activities, no time to get bored.
Don't forget the suggestion box for your ideas. It's always a pleasure to read you.