Woozen Quest : Winners

Woozen Quest fans!

The return of this contest has been welcomed with open arms, and we're delighted with the number of submissions we've received!

Here are our first 5 winners, who will receive 10000 Wooz, 40000 Beex, a very special title and the Moo Moo backpack!

Their Unitz become an official Woozworld Unitz, and a statue of them will be placed inside.






Congratulations everyone!

Keep in mind, we don't have time to test every Unitz without instructions on how to do them.

The next Woozen Quest will be autumn-themed! The contest will start on Wednesday at 10 AM WT.

Save your horror and monsters Unitz for October ;)

Submissions for Woozen Quests will be found in the Contests section of the Navigator.

If you are looking for some Wired asisstence, you can watch Daviid's videos on Youtube (need to be 13+)

Thank you all for participating!
