Woozworld 15.1 Update

Hey, Woozens!

Welcome to Woozworld update 15.1! This update focuses mostly on fixes following the previous releases, and a few improvements.

Improvements and fixes to the Stackable system

We're very impressed with everything you already started to build using the new Building Blocks and Stackable system! This update includes a few fixes and improvements to make this system easier to use:

  • Fixed a sorting issue where avatar and furniture sometimes didn't appear in the proper order, in complex stacked Unitz
  • Optimized performance and reduced lag in Unitz using a lot of building blocks and floor tiles
  • Wired: VectorPod now support using a Z input and output
  • Pawns now moves smoother when going up/down blocks
  • Fixed different issues related to placing/moving stacked furniture
  • Fixed an issue where it was very difficult to wire a furniture after you made it float in the air
  • Fixed an issue where it was hard to re-draw your Dynamic Unitz floor while you were using Building Blocks in the same Unitz

"Allow Effects" setting now also includes avatar size

If other users are abusing the Size effect and becoming giants, the owner of the Unitz can deactivate the "Allow Effects" setting, which now also include the Size effect in addition to Speed effect like before:

Ability to attach an Outfit Change to Quick Chat messages

To help during games or events hosting, you can now attach an Outfit Change to any of your Quick Chat messages:

As soon as you trigger the message, your outfit will change automatically.

Other improvements and fixes

  • Improved filtering by usernames in the Chat History
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't always properly select a Unitz when trying to advertise it through public chat
  • Fixed an issue where the Pitch you customized on Music Notes was not properly saved and would reset to default pitch
  • Other minor bug fixes

Woozworld Staff

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