


Glam Slam

"Be, be, be ma BFF, coz IDK what's comin next And I'll be LMHO with the rest so TTYLXOX... xD Twinkle, Twinkle Liam Payne Harry Niall Louis Zayne, One Direction, Rule my life YOU know I'm their future wife :)


  • WoozBusters: First Collectiblz

    You cleared your first Collectiblz casted by ShamWooz!
  • Arctic Fest: 1 pt

    You've earned 1 point towards being nominated for Arctic Fest King or Queen!
  • Arctic Fest: 10 pts

    You've earned 10 points towards being nominated for Arctic Fest King or Queen!
  • Arctic Fest: 25 pts

    You've earned 25 points towards being nominated for Arctic Fest King or Queen!
  • Arctic Fest: 50 pts

    You've earned 50 points towards being nominated for Arctic Fest King or Queen!
  • Arctic Fest: 100 pts

    You've earned 100 points towards being nominated for Arctic Fest King or Queen!


  • White and black mansion

  • My pool

  • My purple room

  • red and black room

  • My chill off room

  • Next Top Model -closed-