



Be the best version of yourself :3


  • Royal Woozalia Resort 1

    For being invited to be part of the Staff in the Royal Woozalia Resort. This is just the beginning!
  • Sales: 10 Customers

    Have 10 different clients who bought from your Shop Podz
  • Sales: 25 Customers

    Have 25 different clients who bought from your Shop Podz
  • Collect Iron Ore, level 2

    Collect 500 Iron Ore
  • Woozworld's Furyfangs

    For joining the Woozworld's Furyfangs for the March Woozness championship.
  • Buy: 500 furniture items

    Purchase 500 Unitz furnishings from any store


  • Uniform school shop ( all cb )

  • Crafting command - close -

  • Bestiz Shop( food and acc)

  • vote the new girl have a gift

  • Bestiz unitz

  • :)