




  • Sales: 10 Customers

    Have 10 different clients who bought from your Shop Podz
  • VIP: Year 2

    A gold VIP to represent your VIP breakthrough.
  • VIP Gift: Month 25

    A special gift from us to you for being a VIP!
  • VIP Token 2023: IV

    A VIP token to choose your VIP Gift
  • Sales: 25 Customers

    Have 25 different clients who bought from your Shop Podz
  • VIP Gift: Month 26

    A special gift from us to you for being a VIP!
  • VIP Token 2023: V

    A VIP token to choose your VIP Gift
  • VIP Gift: Month 27

    A special gift from us to you for being a VIP!


  • F57K ME

  • archive

  • archive

  • below mp cb sale (read plant)

  • archive

  • questy shop read plant (pc to lower)