


Hello I'm Alexandra call me Alexa!I am VIP on woozworld and I'm 9 turning 10! happy late V day <3 XO


  • Fifth Visit

    Visit Woozworld five times
  • Become a Subscriber

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  • VIP Gift: Month 1

    A special gift from us to you for subscribing to VIP!
  • Purchase: 5th Unitz

    Buy your 5th Unitz
  • 10 Bites!

    You've taken 10 bites of Gourmet Foodz!
  • 25 Bites!

    You've taken 25 bites of Gourmet Foodz!
  • Purchase: 7th Unitz

    Buy your 7th Unitz


  • Girls Rares PLEASE BUY

  • Family Backyard and Pool

  • Brother Room

  • Sister Room

  • Boys Rares Shop

  • Beach Summer Party!