Free 30 victims
Free 30 victims in "Invasion of the Zombiz" on mobileMultiplayer level 1
Multiplayer Mode: Finish level 1Multiplayer level 2
Multiplayer Mode: Finish level 2Multiplayer level 3
Multiplayer Mode: Finish level 3Play a game of "Invasion of the Zombiz"
Play a game of "Invasion of the Zombiz" on mobile in any game modeSolo level 1
Solo Mode: Finish Level 1 in "Invasion of the Zombiz" on mobile.Solo level 2
Solo Mode: Finish Level 2 in "Invasion of the Zombiz" on mobile.Finish 3 levels unscathed
Finish 3 level without being bitten by a Zombiz in "Invasion of the Zombiz" on mobile
Alis' Crib
Al is' B-Day September To to
Alis' b-day -FINISHED- -NEXT YEAR-
Fighting with Liam Hemsworth