Dragon Wuzzle
Complete the Magikal Dragon Wuzzle. -
Bookz collection: Book Labyrinth
Collect all Bookz from the Book Labyrinth Unitz and place them in your Bookz case. -
Bookz collection: Magnificent World
Collect all Bookz from the Magnificent World Unitz and place them in your Bookz case. -
Bookz Collection: Last Apprentice Forest
Collect all Bookz from the Last Apprentice Forest and place them in your Bookz case. -
Bookz Collection: Ever
Collect all Bookz from Ever and place them in your Bookz case. -
Bookz Collection: Big Nate on a Roll
Collect all Bookz from Big Nate's Gym Class and place them in your Bookz case. -
Adopt a dragon
Adopt a dragon and name it. -
Pet cleaning
Clean your Super WooPetz by dropping a Soapz on him.
Good Friends and Family Only
Nicki Minaj concert
My Sons room
STC gym
sPiN tHe BoTtLe -hOt OnLy-