


It's All Relative

My names Cameron. British boy. :) Clara (bestie), Morry, Shawn and Gree


  • Sales: 500 Beex

    Reach Sales of 500 Beex from your Shop Podz
  • Sales: 1000 Beex

    Reach Sales of 1000 Beex from your Shop Podz
  • Sales: 2000 Beex

    Reach Sales of 2000 Beex from your Shop Podz
  • Sales: 5000 Beex

    Reach Sales of 5000 Beex from your Shop Podz
  • Have 30 relationships

    Have 30 relationships at the same time
  • Buy: 10 furniture items

    Purchase 10 Unitz furnishings from any store
  • Voted: 3000 times

    Have voted 3000 times for a Woozen or a Unitz


  • Singles and non place

  • Rock

  • Theme game