


Myana Grande Supporter

Your Not My Friend, Your Not Kind, Your Not Fun, Your Fat, You Don't Have A Good Sence In Style, Have You Heard Enough? WELL WAIT BIT I AINT DONE YET! '-' Your not my friend cause your my bestie, Your super kind, Your Really Fun, Your Fat Because The Only Thing Fat About You Is Your Heart. Plus You Have An AWESOME Taste In Style


  • Sales: 2000 Beex

    Reach Sales of 2000 Beex from your Shop Podz
  • Spellz: 5 Casts

    Cast 5 Spell
  • Spellz: 10 Casts

    Cast 10 Spellz
  • Sales: 5000 Beex

    Reach Sales of 5000 Beex from your Shop Podz
  • Spellz: 25 Casts

    Cast 25 Spellz
  • Myana Grande Supporter

    Congratz! You are now supporting Myana Grande in WNS 2014!
  • WNS 2014 Winning Label Supporter

    Congratz! With your help, Myana Grande became #1 on the WoozRadio Top 100 in 2014 WNS!


  • Running game inviting

  • chef girl are be