


Habituée de Woozworld

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  • Give 'em a treat

    Give your Super WooPetz a Treatz
  • Spellz: 10 Casts

    Cast 10 Spellz
  • Spellz: 25 Casts

    Cast 25 Spellz
  • Daily Exercises

    Have your Super WooPetz complete the Daily Exercises list once.
  • Take 5 photos

    Take 5 photos in Woozworld and save them to an Albumz.
  • 1st Class Citizen

    Become a 1st Class Citizen of Woozworld by completing your ten Citizenship Goals!
  • Link: 5 links to Unitz

    Use 5 Doorways to link to other Unitz
  • Unitz: 50 Votes

    Your Unitz gets 50 Votes


  • annaelle trop # cool

  • ouver agence de amis

  • agence de louer