


Mad Clout

Hot Friends


  • VIP for 3 months

    Be a VIP for at least 3 months
  • VIP Gift: Month 4

    A special gift from us to you for being a VIP!
  • Royal Woozalia Resort 1

    For being invited to be part of the Staff in the Royal Woozalia Resort. This is just the beginning!
  • Buy: 250 Garments

    Purchase 250 Garments from any store
  • Sales: 25 Customers

    Have 25 different clients who bought from your Shop Podz
  • February Calendar 1/3

    For logging on to Woozworld for 10 days in February 2024.
  • VIP Token 2022: IV

    A VIP token to choose your VIP Gift
  • Hoverboard

    For acquiring the ML0D-24 Hoverboard in Woozworld Store


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  • Take off

  • Pixel Art -Wip

  • Reshapable Cortoza Rectangle 20x40

  • Lib Street Yard