



I am can't on always so it is make me so sad. i lv and missed my friends very much like: Pinkie, Gaw, Punk. I very lv them so much. Lv Pinkie, Gaw and Punk...

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    Complete Max's Passport Wuzzle by completing the Quizes in the Afrirca Map!
  • Jay's Europe Passport

    Complete Jay's Passport Wuzzle by completing the Quizes in the Europe Map!
  • WoozBusters: First Collectiblz

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  • WoozBusters: 10 Collectiblz

    You cleared 10 Collectiblz casted by ShamWooz!
  • WoozBusters: 25 Collectiblz

    You cleared 25 Collectiblz casted by ShamWooz!
  • WoozBusters: 50 Collectiblz

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  • WoozBusters: 100 Collectiblz

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  • MysteryZ Collectiblz: 1

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  • cafe

  • My take a photo place

  • movie theater

  • My cute pink room

  • Zoo