


I love my mama and my daddy they love meh!


  • Sales: 1000 Beex

    Reach Sales of 1000 Beex from your Shop Podz
  • Sales: 2000 Beex

    Reach Sales of 2000 Beex from your Shop Podz
  • Sales: 5000 Beex

    Reach Sales of 5000 Beex from your Shop Podz
  • Connect 2 Unitz for the first time

    Edit a doorway to connect to another Unitz
  • WNS 2015: 10 Starpower

    You've collected 10 Stars of Fame! The more you collect, the better your team will do on the LIVE Entertainment music charts.
  • WNS 2015: 25 Starpower

    You've collected 25 Stars of Fame! The more you collect, the better your team will do on the LIVE Entertainment music charts.
  • WNS 2015: Winning Band!

    Congratulations! You supported the winning band for WNS 2015. You have a true eye for talent!


  • im gone add new account