


The Loyal

New acc kimani love


  • VIP Gift: Month 2

    A special gift from us to you for being a VIP!
  • 1 Arctic Fest Point

    My first Arctic Fest point! Do you dare challenge me in Arctic Fest?
  • Arctic Fest: Silver

    I have the Silver Spa Package and ready to take on Arctic Fest 3!
  • 10 Arctic Fest Points

    I have 10 Arctic Fest points! Bring on the CHILL!
  • 25 Arctic Fest Points

    I have 25 Arctic Fest points! Bring on the CHILL!
  • 50 Arctic Fest Points

    I have 50 Arctic Fest points! Bring on the CHILL!
  • 100 Arctic Fest Points

    I'm movin up to triple digits! I have 100 Arctic Fest points! Bring on the CHILL!
  • 150 Arctic Fest Points

    I have 150 Arctic Fest points! Bring on the CHILL!


  • Minny was here! :3 XD

  • last day-xc jan 1 16

  • alone