



6/25/15 .:TeAm TaKeN.::.fEeLiNg PrOuD:.

Hot Friends


  • Online Safety: Personal Information

    You've helped JaneNewbie learn what information she should keep personal. Remember to keep your real-life information to yourself!
  • Online Safety Certificate

    You helped guide JaneNewbie through her first experiences with Woozworld and online life in general. Thanks for all your help! Be sure to help any other newbies you may see. Share the knoweldge!
  • Logan's Solstice

    Thanks so much for all your help clearing the beaches of ice and slime! We'll see you at Logan's righteous Beach Bash on July 3rd.
  • Have 10 relationships

    Have 10 relationships at the same time
  • 50 Charmazing Charms

    You've begun your Charmazing journey! Keep collecting Charms around Woozworld to earn more Charm-tastic prizes
  • 100 Charmazing Charms

    Your charma's rising! Keep collecting Charmazing Charms around Woozworld to earn more Charm-tastic prizes
  • 200 Charmazing Charms

    You're full of charma and feeling Charmazing! Great job collecting charms around Woozworld.


  • Love's Speed Dating Singles And Not -Vot

  • Pool Party -Open-

  • Love's Color Game Room

  • Theme Game -Open All The Time-

  • Kissing Game -Vote Owner-