


Petite Princesse

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  • Have 30 relationships

    Have 30 relationships at the same time
  • VIP for a month

    Be a VIP for at least one month
  • VIP for 3 months

    Be a VIP for at least 3 months
  • Adopt 5 WooPetZ

    Adopt 5 WooPetZ and give them names.
  • Make 5 Friends

    Add 5 new Woozens to your Friends.
  • Fifth Visit

    Visit Woozworld five times
  • Woozlympic Fire

    I've joined and devoted medals to team FIRE! We're going to burn through these Woozlympics!


  • Yétis

  • Jeux avec kdo -ouvert a 6 personne-

  • quelque tenue-pas à vendre-

  • Patinoire de Maggie

  • Plage de Maggie

  • ma chambre