


Proud to BeMe

"Holly Wood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fife ty cents for your soul"

Hot Friends


  • Monster Hunters Week 1

    Your team defeated the most Dinosaurz. Thanks for helping keep Woozworld safe!
  • Myana Grande Supporter

    Congratz! You are now supporting Myana Grande in WNS 2014!
  • Possible WNS Label Candidate

    Congratz! You are now WNS Label Candidate for your favorite Woozband Team! But your job isn't done yet! Use the Tour Bus and Furniture to design a Unitz for the Woozband you are supporting! Submit when you're done in their Tour Bus Unitz!
  • WNS 2014 Winning Label Supporter

    Congratz! With your help, Myana Grande became #1 on the WoozRadio Top 100 in 2014 WNS!
  • Cute Domo Figurines

    Congratz on getting all the Cute Domo figurines!
  • Hidden Domos

    Congratulations! You found all the hidden Domos in Woozworld!
  • Find the BeMe emblems!

    Embrace everything that makes you YOU and be proud to BeMe! Uncover the 30 BeMe emblems of 5 different designs hidden throughout Woozworld. Receive the exclusive BeMe mirror for finding them ALL!


  • Miley Room Scene --

  • revenge game GO TO MY REVENGE UNIT

  • ya right 'friends'

  • revenge - Girls vs Boys 'prizes on manni

  • Alternative Room

  • --