


Beginner WoozBuster

I wrote your name on my hand but it washed away :/ I wrote your name on a piece of paper but I threw it away! I wrote your name on the sand :/ but the waves washed it away :/ I wrote your name in my HEART and forever it will stay amanda753 best bff i ever


  • Bookz Collection: Planet Tad

    Collect all Bookz from Planet Tad and place them in your Bookz case.
  • Collect 25 Tiaraz

    Collect 25 Prom Queen Tiaraz!
  • Collect 50 Tiaraz

    Collect 50 Prom Queen Tiaraz!
  • Mya's Americas Passport

    Complete Mya's Passport Wuzzle by completing the Quizes in the Americas Map!
  • Woozlympic Trollz Team

    Being a part of the Trollz team during the Camp Woozlympics of 2012!
  • WoozBusters: First Collectiblz

    You cleared your first Collectiblz casted by ShamWooz!
  • WoozBusters: 10 Collectiblz

    You cleared 10 Collectiblz casted by ShamWooz!


  • My Mansion

  • Bedroom

  • Neon Light Out Balls

  • Mine And Amanda's Bedroom

  • Movie Tryouts For Ghost Solo

  • Yo Mama Room