


Glam Slam

Love Justin Bieber BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD IS RUTH LOVE Friends and Family if life throws you lemons throw them back and demand cookies

Hot Friends


  • Gift Wrap: 10

    You wrapped 10 gifts!
  • Gift Wrap: 25

    You wrapped 25 gifts!
  • Gift Wrap: 50

    You wrapped 50 gifts!
  • Gift Wrap: 100

    You wrapped 100 gifts!
  • Gift Wrap: 250

    You wrapped 250 gifts!
  • Advent Calendar: Gift 21 - 25

    You collected the Day 21 - 25 Advent Calendar gifts!
  • 1 Pearl

    Find and gather Pearlz to help Mya create her new summer collection!


  • living room

  • outdoors backyard

  • # unit

  • pouch

  • transport unit

  • party unit