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  • Your First Unicorn Woozaccino

    You had your first taste of a Unicorn Woozaccino!
  • Purchase: 5th Unitz

    Buy your 5th Unitz
  • Buy: 10 furniture items

    Purchase 10 Unitz furnishings from any store
  • Connect 2 Unitz for the first time

    Edit a doorway to connect to another Unitz
  • Unitz: 25 Votes

    Your Unitz gets 25 Votes
  • Unitz: 50 Votes

    Your Unitz gets 50 Votes
  • Voted: 1500 times

    Have voted 1500 times for a Woozen or a Unitz
  • 3rd Month Anniversary

    Be a Woozen for 3 months.


  • Maze to real rare closed

  • Hide and seek closed