


I Luv U


  • Bookz Collection: Deep Zone

    Collect all Bookz from Deep Zone Stadium and place them in your Bookz case.
  • Technoz T-Shirt

    Get a Technoz T-Shirt
  • 100 Small Bulbz

    Collect 100 Small Bulbz
  • Timekeeperz T-Shirt

    Get your free Timekeeperz T-Shirt
  • Bookz Collection: The Cabinet of Earths House

    Collect all Bookz from The Cabinet of Earths House and place them in your Bookz case.


  • Welcome To Me Shop Buy And Came Later ty

  • Unitz For All Game BUY or OUT no ADZ

  • Mini Luky Race vote vote vote

  • Free Time If U Vote Lolz

  • XxAmeliaXx

  • XxAmeliaXx POOL