VIP for 3 months
Be a VIP for at least 3 monthsCortoza TributeZ
Become a TributeZ for Cortoza and if the team wins, split 1,000,000 Wooz between all Cortoza TributeZ10 DefenderZ Defeated
You've defeated 10 DefenderZ. Keep training to help lead your NationZ to victory!25 DefenderZ Defeated
You've defeated 25 DefenderZ. Keep training to help lead your NationZ to victory!50 DefenderZ Defeated
You've defeated 50 DefenderZ. Keep training to help lead your NationZ to victory!100 DefenderZ Defeated
You've defeated 100 DefenderZ. Keep training to help lead your NationZ to victory!250 DefenderZ Defeated
You've defeated 250 DefenderZ! May the GameZ be ever in your favor.Nation GameZ VictorZ
Your NationZ is VictorZ of the Nation GameZ. You are the new DefenderZ of Woozworld!
Tree house - Girls night
consert stage
talk show staring everyone
Gourment and ice cream fabricc