VIP for 3 months
Be a VIP for at least 3 months -
Cortoza TributeZ
Become a TributeZ for Cortoza and if the team wins, split 1,000,000 Wooz between all Cortoza TributeZ -
10 DefenderZ Defeated
You've defeated 10 DefenderZ. Keep training to help lead your NationZ to victory! -
25 DefenderZ Defeated
You've defeated 25 DefenderZ. Keep training to help lead your NationZ to victory! -
50 DefenderZ Defeated
You've defeated 50 DefenderZ. Keep training to help lead your NationZ to victory! -
100 DefenderZ Defeated
You've defeated 100 DefenderZ. Keep training to help lead your NationZ to victory! -
250 DefenderZ Defeated
You've defeated 250 DefenderZ! May the GameZ be ever in your favor. -
Nation GameZ VictorZ
Your NationZ is VictorZ of the Nation GameZ. You are the new DefenderZ of Woozworld!
Tree house - Girls night
consert stage
talk show staring everyone
Gourment and ice cream fabricc