


Habitué de Woozworld

jaime ma blonde plus que toute au monde <3


  • Give 'em a treat

    Give your Super WooPetz a Treatz
  • 1st Year Anniversary

    Be a Woozen for 1 year.
  • Daily Exercises

    Have your Super WooPetz complete the Daily Exercises list once.
  • Sales: 500 Beex

    Reach Sales of 500 Beex from your Shop Podz
  • Voted: 100 times

    Have voted 100 times for a Woozen or a Unitz
  • Link: 5 links to Unitz

    Use 5 Doorways to link to other Unitz
  • Buy: 10 furniture items

    Purchase 10 Unitz furnishings from any store
  • Play: 250 Collectiblz

    Find and complete 250 Collectiblz


  • achat

  • mon salon

  • la cour

  • garage

  • ma chambre

  • ma cuisine