


I am happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Bookz Collection: Planet Tad

    Collect all Bookz from Planet Tad and place them in your Bookz case.
  • Mya's Americas Passport

    Complete Mya's Passport Wuzzle by completing the Quizes in the Americas Map!
  • Jenny's Asia/Oceania Passport

    Complete Jenny's Passport Wuzzle by completing the Quizes in the Asia/Oceania Map!
  • Max's Africa Passport

    Complete Max's Passport Wuzzle by completing the Quizes in the Afrirca Map!
  • Jay's Europe Passport

    Complete Jay's Passport Wuzzle by completing the Quizes in the Europe Map!
  • Binary Code Collectiblz: 1

    You collected your first Binary Code Collectiblz!
  • Binary Code Collectiblz: 10

    You collected 10 Binary Code Collectiblz!
  • Binary Code Collectiblz: 25

    You collected 25 Binary Code Collectiblz!


  • Unitz

  • unit

  • relax room

  • dalainyfalcon's unitz

  • party room

  • dalainyfalcon's unitz