


Thinking of You

Dear girls! Make this your status! I bet NO boy can write you a paragraph to your inbox. Lets see who is the sweetest boy on your friends list and can actually take the time to do this challenge. So copy and paste. And boys PROVE US WRONG. :) only three g


  • Gift Wrap: 100

    You wrapped 100 gifts!
  • Arctic Fest: 1 pt

    You've earned 1 point towards being nominated for Arctic Fest King or Queen!
  • Arctic Fest: 10 pts

    You've earned 10 points towards being nominated for Arctic Fest King or Queen!
  • Arctic Fest: 25 pts

    You've earned 25 points towards being nominated for Arctic Fest King or Queen!
  • Arctic Fest: 50 pts

    You've earned 50 points towards being nominated for Arctic Fest King or Queen!
  • Spellz: 50 Casts

    Cast 50 Spellz
  • Give 'em a treat

    Give your Super WooPetz a Treatz


  • Unitz

  • Woozen-31048298's unitz

  • icecreamdoritos's unitz

  • icecreamdoritos's unitz

  • icecreamdoritos's unitz

  • icecreamdoritos's unitz