


Charmazingly Charmed

watever i got on ur account tank u for the mail c:


  • Bookz Collection: Planet Tad

    Collect all Bookz from Planet Tad and place them in your Bookz case.
  • Treasure Map Week 1

    You've completed the Secret Treasure Map! You now have access to the Secret Grotto!
  • Treasure Map Week 2

    You've completed the Secret Treasure Map, week 2! You now have access to the Secret Grotto 2!
  • Monster Hunters Week 1

    Your team defeated the most Dinosaurz. Thanks for helping keep Woozworld safe!
  • Charmazingly Charmed

    Congratz! You just completed the Charmazing Quiz and won this exclusive title!
  • Spellz: 500 Casts

    Cast 500 Spellz