


Dressed to Impress



  • Sales: 2000 Beex

    Reach Sales of 2000 Beex from your Shop Podz
  • Cortoza TributeZ

    Become a TributeZ for Cortoza and if the team wins, split 1,000,000 Wooz between all Cortoza TributeZ
  • 10 DefenderZ Defeated

    You've defeated 10 DefenderZ. Keep training to help lead your NationZ to victory!
  • 25 DefenderZ Defeated

    You've defeated 25 DefenderZ. Keep training to help lead your NationZ to victory!
  • 50 DefenderZ Defeated

    You've defeated 50 DefenderZ. Keep training to help lead your NationZ to victory!
  • Nation GameZ VictorZ

    Your NationZ is VictorZ of the Nation GameZ. You are the new DefenderZ of Woozworld!
  • Unitz: 50 Votes

    Your Unitz gets 50 Votes


  • beach-day-