


Newbie WoozBuster

ABCDEFG gummi bears r chasing me,one is red,one is blue,one is pea ing on my shoe now im running for my life cuz the red one has a nife XDD


  • WoozBusters: First Collectiblz

    You cleared your first Collectiblz casted by ShamWooz!
  • Beat Max's time in the fourth Unitz

    Beat Max's time in the fourth Unitz of "Save the Yeti" Adventurz
  • Woozen: 25 Votes

    Your Woozen gets 25 Votes
  • Woozen: 50 Votes

    Your Woozen gets 50 Votes
  • 1 Crystal

    Collecting Crystalz earns you the ultimate Glamz Prom 2013 outfit!


  • my storage

  • matthewgilleo's Unitz

  • wooz shop i lower no addz

  • matthewgilleo's Unitz

  • matthewgilleo's Unitz

  • matthewgilleo's unitz