10 Pearlz
Find and gather Pearlz to help Mya create her new summer collection! -
1 Dinosaur
Time travelling monsters have arrived in Woozworld! Who will defeat the most, boys or girls?? -
10 Dinosaurz
Time travelling beasts have arrived in Woozworld! Who will defeat the most monsters, boys or girls?? -
25 Dinosaurz
Time travelling beasts have arrived in Woozworld! Who will defeat the most monsters, boys or girls?? -
50 Dinosaurz
Time travelling beasts have arrived in Woozworld! Who will defeat the most monsters, boys or girls?? -
100 Dinosaurz
Time travelling beasts have arrived in Woozworld! Who will defeat the most monsters, boys or girls?? -
Monster Hunters Week 1
Your team defeated the most Dinosaurz. Thanks for helping keep Woozworld safe!
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