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  • Pet cleaning

    Clean your Super WooPetz by dropping a Soapz on him.
  • Bookz Collection: Liesl & Po

    Collect all Bookz from Liesl & Po and place them in your Bookz case.
  • Technoz T-Shirt

    Get a Technoz T-Shirt
  • Bookz Collection: The Cabinet of Earths House

    Collect all Bookz from The Cabinet of Earths House and place them in your Bookz case.
  • Make 5 Friends

    Add 5 new Woozens to your Friends.
  • Fifth Visit

    Visit Woozworld five times


  • Truth Or Dare Read Yeti

  • Pinkies Room

  • Fairy Hang Out

  • Pinkie's superstarts hall way

  • Dragon Time XD

  • If u bot key to free come here XD