Take 5 photos
Take 5 photos in Woozworld and save them to an Albumz. -
Fifth Visit
Visit Woozworld five times -
Sales: 100 Customers
Have 100 different clients who bought from your Shop Podz -
Sales: 10,000 Beex
Reach Sales of 10,000 Beex from your Shop Podz -
25 Bites!
You've taken 25 bites of Gourmet Foodz! -
Spellz: 50 Casts
Cast 50 Spellz
jeu du mannequin -lit domo pour la regle
mini plage a volonte -voter svp--no pub-
voter et c gratuit -no pub-
tout les jeux-voter svp et no pub svp-
prison de lux xD