


Been there, done that


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  • Charmazingly Charmed

    Congratz! You just completed the Charmazing Quiz and won this exclusive title!
  • Spellz: 50 Casts

    Cast 50 Spellz
  • Unitz: 100 Votes

    Your Unitz gets 100 Votes
  • Online Safety: Password Protection

    You've helped JaneNewbie learn how to create a safe password and keep it protected! Remember to NEVER give out your password for any reason.
  • Online Safety: Cyberbullying

    You've helped JaneNewbie learn what sort of behavior is considered cyberbullying, and how she can avoid it. If you see someone bullying, don't stay quiet. We all need to stand up for each other!
  • Online Safety: Scams & Fraud

    You've helped JaneNewbie avoid online scams and fraudsters! Remember to NEVER give out your account information.
  • Online Safety: Personal Information

    You've helped JaneNewbie learn what information she should keep personal. Remember to keep your real-life information to yourself!


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