


Little Princess


Hot Friends


  • VIP Gift: Month 14

    A special gift from us to you for being a VIP!
  • Collect Iron Ore, level 1

    Collect 100 Iron Ore
  • Builder Extraordinaire

    For helping Jack, Gaia, Nora and Walter by completing the Builder quest
  • Cortoza Artist

    For choosing to represent Cortoza in the WNS 2k23 with Emily Ember.
  • VIP Token 2022: V

    A VIP token to choose your VIP Gift
  • August Calendar 1/3

    For logging into Woozworld for 10 days in August 2k23.
  • VIP Gift: Month 15

    A special gift from us to you for being a VIP!
  • NationZ of Fame

    Zumbi rock might be dead, but its fame will live on!


  • Big Woozen Loft

  • AFK ;)

  • Judge Judy Court House

  • Reshapable Colony VI Square 30x30

  • Cheap Like Your Ex :) - 50 PERCENT OFF