



So My Life Is A Mess :c But I Don't Let That Stop Me From My Goals c: STOP BULLYING :D when you see bullying happening go to the nearest adult c: Make the world a better place for everyone you are gawjuss in your own way of style-love vampy!!

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  • Bookz collection: Septimus Magyk Hall

    Collect all Bookz from the Septimus Magyk Hall Unitz and place them in your Bookz case.
  • Bookz collection: Book Fair

    Collect all Bookz from the Book Fair Unitz and place them in your Bookz case.
  • Bookz collection: Seekers Bear lair

    Collect all Bookz from the Seekers Bear lair Unitz and place them in your Bookz case.
  • Bookz collection: Literary Café

    Collect all Bookz from the Literary Café Unitz and place them in your Bookz case.
  • Bookz collection: Genius Road trip

    Collect all Bookz from the Genius Road trip Unitz and place them in your Bookz case.
  • Bookz collection: Books and Games lounge

    Collect all Bookz from the Books and Games lounge and place them in your Bookz case.
  • Booked

    Get the first 6 Bookz collections in your Bookcase.


  • Thinkin like a boss xP

  • Mads Room

  • Kitchen

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  • Kissing Game o - 0