


Habituée de Woozworld

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Hot Friends


  • Online Safety: Password Protection

    You've helped JaneNewbie learn how to create a safe password and keep it protected! Remember to NEVER give out your password for any reason.
  • Online Safety: Personal Information

    You've helped JaneNewbie learn what information she should keep personal. Remember to keep your real-life information to yourself!
  • Online Safety: Scams & Fraud

    You've helped JaneNewbie avoid online scams and fraudsters! Remember to NEVER give out your account information.
  • Fifth Visit

    Visit Woozworld five times
  • Have 20 relationships

    Have 20 relationships at the same time
  • 10 Arctic Fest Points

    I have 10 Arctic Fest points! Bring on the CHILL!


  • ma villa la plus charmante

  • ma villa de ma famille